Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday, 01 February 2012 | 9:07 Vidal confirmed the veto to the law governing the "rags"

The deputy head of city government, María Eugenia Vidal and the chief of staff of the city, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, defended both the successive vetoes Mauricio Macri administration is claiming that "technical issues", which is less than "5% of all laws passed "and that" most of what was approved does not say where to get the funds. "
Vidal said Monday that "most of the vetoes made by the executive community due to technical issues rather than political issues," while noting that the ban on the regulation of the norm which legalizes cuidacoches activity in the streets "is a fact."
In the case of the "rags," Vidal said that "the veto is firm because the law needs reform."
Meanwhile Rodriguez Larreta said: "It is a constitutional right to do so, you can not enforce a law because in many cases do not have the funds provided."
Speaking to Radio Mitre, the city official tried to differentiate themselves from the vetoes made by the national authorities: "We must discuss each case. Cristina has the right to veto. I do not question the concept of veto. I do not agree with the 82% mobile veto, "he said.
On the recent congressional veto pedagogical been driven by the Pro in the Legislature, Rodriguez Larreta said: "There is an issue that is not ours with the 

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