Thursday, December 29, 2011

Heat and little rain

If people get carried away for what happened , predict a background for February with an ideal time to vacation. In Mar del Plata, for example, during the 31 days of January, at least 29 were from the beach, inclement weather without requiring to leave the sea and sand.
February will continue the trend so at least assuredthe nation, José Luis Stella, Department of Climatology of the National Weather Service . Even the level of rainfall is usually recorded for this month will be "less than normal in some areas and the Coast."
Like in January ), will remain the same trend of thermal marks, with greater probability of above-normal temperatures in the province of Buenos Aires (except the Atlantic Coast) and in northern Patagonia.
According to Stella told La Nacion, the past month it was one of the warmest since records began, at least in the City of Buenos Aires, where the wind chill on several occasions touched 40 degrees
The month begins, keep historical average values, taking into account that "since the temperature starts to drop" Stella explained.


Meanwhile, on the Uruguayan coast, with high temperatures in February and still very hot. This is explained meteorologist Nübel Cisneros to this medium. "The conditions will remain similar to those raised for the start of the season, despite the progressive reduction of daylight hours. We estimate an average of about 30 degrees," he said.
Photo Archive
For Cisneros, the forecast announced in December and January, was completed according to the forecasts with average temperatures above normal. "It was about 4 degrees higher than expected," he said.


In addition to being attentive to the forecasts of the news channels and websites, an inescapable source when the weather check the website of the National Weather Service , which provides valuable information on how the next few days will be in places of summer around the country.
If the resort goes beyond borders is always good to have on hand some applications that provide weather from mobile phones. At this point, The Weather Channel and AccuWeather are the two most complete, as they are available not only on the Web, but also have different versions of his time news service for major mobile phone platforms in the market such as Apple iOS, Google Android, RIM BlackBerry and Nokia's Symbian..

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lanata: "This government will have to pay the bill"

In an interview on Words + Words - in the TN cable channel, said that although from the Casa Rosada foster public policies, "there are few substantive changes" and maintained that laid bare the "double standard" , will cause "an aversion to people." In particular, he referred to the increase of gas services, electricity and transport. "It's a particular moment in the country (.) Before governments generally spend more, and paid as follows (ruler), but this government will have to pay the bill," he said.
The founder of the newspaper Página 12 reflected on the conflict between Argentina and Britain over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, and said the islanders live in the country's claim as an invasion. "We hate it," he said.
The journalist also confirmed his opinion on the possibility that the Government implement a constitutional reform that allows Cristina Kirchner win the presidency again in 2015. "They go through re re-election, if Santa Cruz did not understand why they would not" nationally, said. He noted that the political lines that could replace the head of state in the next presidential term are not viable. Among them, appointed the son of former President Nestor Kirchner, Max, the militant group ultrakirchnerista The Campora - who "are concerned about having an apartment in Puerto Madero," he said, and the governor of the province of Buenos Aires. "A (Daniel) Scioli not see it as a candidate because they see it as an enemy," he said.
It also considered that the policy of the Kirchner is "the newest of the old, but they're old," adding that in his opinion, should "create a new political class." The current, he said, "are old politicians, not by age but a concept."
Lanata will lead a program on Radio Mitre own, belonging to the orbit of Grupo Clarín media. He explained that the decision to work there off, in part, of government action. "There have been approached government positions that my position with the positions of Clarín. There are fewer ways in which to work independently, are co-opted by the state apparatus," he said, adding: "It gave the opportunity to work here. I to do what I always do. "
He also related that receives critical opportunities passersby on the street, something that happens a few years ago. "Never in thirty years I bard, this happens for about five years (.). Some people manipulable (to) hear the official propaganda machine and responds to this," he said, and described as "fanatics" and "militants "those who turn to him in that way..

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Important finding in a copy of La Gioconda

MADRID .- During a process of restoring your copy of the famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci "La Gioconda", the Prado Museum in Madrid discovered that his work was done in the workshop of the Italian humanist while the original painting.
Sources of the museum said Monday the agency EFE that the restorers found under the black background of the picture, added later, the same Tuscan landscape than the "Mona Lisa" Louvre, and being this copy in better condition sheds light on the enigmatic painting of Lisa Gherardini and its iconic smile.
The discovery of this copy has been certified not only by the Prado, but also by the museum of the Louvre in Paris.
The conclusion that this copy of "La Gioconda" was painted simultaneously in the same workshop Da Vinci was obtained by discovering, through infra-red reflectography that the corrections are almost exact copy of the Da Vinci did, what suggesting that the disciple saw the process of creating the work and made the same changes as his teacher.


The work had always been dated in the first third of the sixteenth century, contemporary with the work of Da Vinci, but now the ownership is divided between two students closer to the painter Andrea Salai and Francesco Melzi.
Before this restoration was believed that the copy of The Prado had been painted on oak, which dismissed as the copy was executed in Italy. Now, however, was known to be walnut, like the real Mona Lisa. The dimensions of both works are very similar: the 76x57cm 77x53cm El Prado and the original.


Since the Madrid museum make clear that your copy of "La Gioconda" was not in a store, but it hung for years in the walls of the museum and had undergone a restoration routine. , And describe the discovery of "very scientific" and very important for historians of art.
The discovery, which will be officially launched on February 21, travel to the exhibition at the Louvre prepared on "Santa Ana" in Leonardo, scheduled between 29 March and 25 June, so that the Mona Lisa "twin" will meet 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

According carburetor, ACTC broke in a "untimely" the contract

Alberto Marina, general manager of the producer, reported that the Tourism Association of Road Runners suddenly broke the agreement for the telecast of local races, that from this year will channel 7

(DYN) .- The general manager Carburetor, Alberto Marina, reported today that tourism Dealers Association Road (ACTC) broke in a "unilateral and untimely" the contract that both parties had signed until 2015 for the telecast of the local races.
Also, Marina said that "no logic, are not sustainable" one hundred million dollars that the federal government spend each year through 2015 to finance, since 19 February, the "Motor for All", which will be now public television.
"We received yesterday, to our surprise, a letter document. We have been so unexpectedly terminated the contract with the Turismo Carretera. We had the rights. The contract expires in December 2015 with perfect fulfillment of the parties," he told radio Mitre's representative carburetor, sports team that races transmitted through broadcasting, Channel 13.
Asked who terminated the contract, Marina said: "The CCTA, which manages and regulates the activity. It has a foundation called FADRA operating these rights, which markets and maintains contractual relationships with various companies related to racing."
"The contract was signed through 2015 has been terminated unilaterally and unexpectedly, with a suspected cause of default. They had to put something, but the Association owes a carburetor silver, which has expired without returning a loan," said .
Marina said that "the State would be spending a hundred million dollars per year to provide this, we do not know the concept. These numbers are not logical, is not sustainable." He stressed that Carburetor "goes on television (on Channel 13, Grupo Clarin) and signal cable (TyCSports) with basic subscription, covering 19 million viewers at home and 13 million in the metropolitan area ".He added: "The state today on Channel 7, declares on its home page to have 20 million viewers. Motorsport for all is not this," he said.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

For the first time since it is state the number of passengers fell in Airlines

For the first time since returning to the state, Aerolineas Argentinas closed a year with a fall in passenger numbers. In 2011 carried 6,017,886 people, 5.97% less than that reported in 2010.
The ticket sales for last year rose to U $ S 1344.47 million, an increase of 14% yoy. It is worth mentioning that during 2011 the dollar inflation was around 13.7% [if one considers a general increase in real prices of 23% and a depreciation of 8.1 wt%]. That is, gross income showed almost no variation tickets in real terms.
Two independent sources indicated that the commercial aviation market delays and cancellations by the ash had a negative impact on the sale of tickets to destinations of Patagonia. However, during the international financial crisis and recession of 2009, airlines had shown an increase almost 3% in passengers carried.
The company revenue from public funds was also the highest since the start of governance. Asreported this way , last year received $ S Airlines 757 million, almost U $ S 2.07 million a day. Of this amount approximately U $ S 94 million went to pay for the acquisition of new aircraft.
Economic data for the last year were reported by the company to the nation in response to two requests for access to public information on the pair Argent and Southern Airlines. The information comes from comparing the data received with the 2010 management report .
However, the company denied the information of the financial results last year arguing that this data will be available "at the time of closing and subsequent approval of the Financial Statements."
The operational aircraft went from 57 to 81 in 2011 and the number of employees grew 11.5%
The rise in economic subsidies revenue is consistent with increased operational aircraft and expanding the staffing in the last twelve months. He spent 57 to 81 aircraft operational.At the same time, expanded its workforce from 11.5% up to 9612 individual employees. Last year was the fastest growing recruitment in the last three years.
A clue to the allocation of subsidies to costs arising from the audit conducted by the Auditor General's Office to June 30, 2009. There is stated that the perception of 45.34% of state funds went to pay salaries (salaries, social charges and deductions).
Since the completion of the expropriation of Aerolineas Argentinas and Austral, this group owned enterprises has not submitted audited balance sheets which detail the movement of funds. So far, only realized "management reports" which reported on its website as an informative.


Airlines do not report profits and remuneration of top executives: Mariano Recalde, president, and Eduardo De Pedro, vice president, two officers appointed by the President arrived and who belong to the youth group's Campora.
In response to another request for access to information, legal management denied the request to wield it "should require the existence of a legitimate interest in who requires the information." Airlines asked to review the National Personal Data Protection, which through an opinion advised against making this information public.
So far the only data available are mandatory affidavits Anti-Corruption Bureau (although not reported in these benefits package that can have an executive official, such as cars, corporate card, representation expenses and per diem, etc. ..-)
In the annual statement for the year 2010 (last available) Recalde reported net income of $ 54121.61 per month as chairman and chief conductor of the corporate group of Aerolineas Argentinas. It has no commercial aviation industry experience or managerial positions, his last job was as an adviser to his father, Rep. Hector Recalde, between June 2006 and July 2009.
For the same period, De Pedro declared a net income of $ 45,627.23 per month for their positions as director and vice president of Aerolineas and Austral. Nor has experience in the field, but claims to be a shareholder of a country club and spa and a farming

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday, 01 February 2012 | 9:07 Vidal confirmed the veto to the law governing the "rags"

The deputy head of city government, María Eugenia Vidal and the chief of staff of the city, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, defended both the successive vetoes Mauricio Macri administration is claiming that "technical issues", which is less than "5% of all laws passed "and that" most of what was approved does not say where to get the funds. "
Vidal said Monday that "most of the vetoes made by the executive community due to technical issues rather than political issues," while noting that the ban on the regulation of the norm which legalizes cuidacoches activity in the streets "is a fact."
In the case of the "rags," Vidal said that "the veto is firm because the law needs reform."
Meanwhile Rodriguez Larreta said: "It is a constitutional right to do so, you can not enforce a law because in many cases do not have the funds provided."
Speaking to Radio Mitre, the city official tried to differentiate themselves from the vetoes made by the national authorities: "We must discuss each case. Cristina has the right to veto. I do not question the concept of veto. I do not agree with the 82% mobile veto, "he said.
On the recent congressional veto pedagogical been driven by the Pro in the Legislature, Rodriguez Larreta said: "There is an issue that is not ours with the